KGH Diary

Fri Mar 21st

Coffee Morning 9.30am -11.00 am

Team Trilogy Dance Group 5.00-7.00 pm

Mon Mar 24th

Coffee Morning 9.30-11.00 am

Indoor Bowls 1.45-4.30 p.m.

Art Group 1,30-4,00 pm

Zumba 6.30 – 7.15 p.m.

Ballet 7.30 -8.45pm

Tues Mar 25th

P3 9.15-11.00 am

Baby and Toddler Group 8.45am -11.00 am

Wed Mar 26th

Coffee Morning 9.30am-noon

Parish Council 7.15- 9.15pm

Thurs Mar 27th

Meon Singers 6.30-8.30 pm

Fri Mar 28th

Coffee Morning 9.30am -11.00 am

Team Trilogy Dance Group 5.00-7.00 pm

Mon Mar 31st

Coffee Morning 9.30-11.00 am

Indoor Bowls 1.45-4.30 p.m.

Art Group 1,30-4,00 pm

Zumba 6.30 – 7.15 p.m.

Ballet 7.30 – 8.45 pm

Tues Apr 1 st

P3 9.15-11.00 am

Baby and Toddler Group 8.45am -11.00 am

Wed Apr 2nd

Coffee Morning 9.30am-noon

Film Night – Paddington in Peru 7.30 pm

Thurs Apr 3rd

Meon Singers 6.30-8.30 pm

Fri Apr4th

Coffee Morning 9.30am -11.00 am

Team Trilogy Dance Group 5.00-7.00 pm

Mon Apr 7th

Coffee Morning 9.30-11.00 am

Indoor Bowls 1.45-4.30 p.m.

Art Group 1,30-4,00 pm

Zumba 6.30 – 7.15 p.m.

Ballet 7.30 -9.30 pm

Tues Apr 8th

P3 9.15-11.00 am

Baby and Toddler Group 8.45am -11.00 am

Book Club 7.30 – 9.00 pm

Wed Apr 9th

Coffee Morning 9.30am-noon

Rural Cimema 7.30 – 9.30 pm WICKED

Thurs Apr 10th

Meon Singers 6.30-8.30 pm

Fri Apr 11th

Coffee Morning 9.30am -11.00 am

Team Trilogy Dance Group 5.00-7.00 pm

Mon Apr 14th

Coffee Morning 9.30-11.00 am

Indoor Bowls 1.45-4.30 p.m.

Art Group 1,30-4,00 pm

Zumba 6.30 – 7.15 p.m.

Womens Institute 7.30 -9.30 pm

Tues Apr 15th

P3 9.15-11.00 am

Baby and Toddler Group 8.45am -11.00 am

Wed Apr 16th

Coffee Morning 9.30am-noon

Gardening Club 6.30-9.30pm

Thurs Apr 17th

Meon Singers 6.30-8.30 pm

Fri Apr 18th

Coffee Morning 9.30am -11.00 am

Team Trilogy Dance Group 5.00-7.00 pm


Wednesday April 2nd Paddington in Peru at 7.30 pm


Wednesday April 9th 2025 Wicked at 7.30 pm

TICKETS £4.50 in advance £5 on door

‘Phone 07881950718

Paddington in Peru and Wicked on show in April at King George’s Hall


The Group is open every Tuesday in term time for our normal programme of play and craft work etc 8.45 -11.00 a.m.

The next meeting is on March 11th at 8.45 a.m. until 11.00 a.m.

The Health Visitor will be at the group next on Tuesday March 11th 2025 from 9.35-11.00am

Terms and Conditions of Hire



Terms and Conditions of Hire 2025

All Hirers:

Please retain and ensure that these terms and conditions are read and understood. 

By signing the booking form you are agreeing to all terms and conditions set out in this document.


  1. The Hirer must be over 18 years of age at the time of booking.
  2. It is the responsibility of the Hirer to ensure that the ‘Terms and Conditions of Hire’ for the King George’s Hall are understood and adhered to by all persons using the King George’s Hall during the hire period.  The “Terms and Conditions” are permanently displayed on the notice board in the lobby and a copy can be found on our website
  3. No liability will be accepted by the King George’s Hall Trustees for any injury or loss however caused, and Hirers are urged to arrange adequate insurance cover.
  4. If alcoholic beverages (supplied by King George’s Hall only) are being made available, the Hirer must be responsible for ensuring that NO alcohol is sold, or consumed, by any person under the age of 18.
  5. Alcohol MUST NOT be brought into the hall, for consumption, by hirer’s or their guests –King George’s Hall staff have the right to close the party if drink is brought onto the premises as this jeopardises their licence and is in breach of our Terms and Conditions.  The King George’s Hall Trustees will retain your full deposit if this occurs.
  6. Any hirer whose activities involve children or young people will be required to operate a recognised Child Protection Policy based on the Home Office Code of Practise ‘Safe from Harm’ and should have their own Fire Procedure and Risk Assessments in place.
  7. All Covid related precautions relating to individual and group precautions are as per current Government Guidance. No hirer can introduce changes to these conditions as implemented by King George’s Hall Trustees for the use of the premises.
  8. Currently no face masks or social distancing are required at King George’s Hall but individuals are entitled to wear masks at their own discretion only.

Payment Arrangements

  • The hire charge will be that applicable at the date of hire in accordance with the current tariff.  An extra charge of 25% is payable on Bank Holidays and New Year Eve bookings
  • A deposit is required with each application for booking the King George’s Hall. The deposit will be returned providing the premises are left clean, tidy and in good order.
  • Failure to leave the premises in a suitable condition will result in partial or full loss of your deposit.  The full or partial deposit retained is to cover the cost of additional cleaning services or rearranging of chairs and tables or repairs.
  • Full payment must be tendered at least one month before the event.
  • A signed copy of the Booking Form should be sent with the deposit to: Mr P.Britt, 16 Nursery Close, Mickleton, Gloucs GL55 6TX
  • Cheques should be made payable to King George’s Hall, However, Bank transfer payment method is preferred
  • If the hirer cancels or changes their booking, an administration fee may be payable. This will be at the discretion of the Booking Secretary.  The Booking Secretary will discuss this with the Trustees under exceptional circumstances.


  • As the  King George’s Hall is in a residential area; music and other noise must be kept down to a reasonable level, so as not to disturb the local residents.
  • The premises MUST be vacated by 12.15 am and all noise ceased by midnight. 


  • The Main Hall, Kitchen and toilets must be left clean and tidy. If the kitchen is used, it is the responsibility of the Hirers to ensure that the floor is swept and washed after use, and all worktop surfaces are wiped clean.
  • The refrigerator must be emptied and left clean. Anything left in the refrigerator will be deposed of.
  • The Hall’s wooded floor must be swept where necessary. The carpet area in the Coffee Lounge should be vacuumed.
  • Floor cleaning equipment is provided (vacuum cleaner, mop and bucket, brooms in the storeroom, dust pan and broom in the kitchen cupboard. If used, the bar area should also be wiped clean. Unfortunately, due to Health & Safety rules, we are unable to supply cleaning materials.


  • All rubbish is to be placed in a plastic sack and removed by the Hirer.
  • No rubbish should be left at the King George’s Hall, the Hirer must take the rubbish away with them.
      • Furniture and Equipment, Fixtures and Fittings
  • Hirers are asked to leave the white plastic chairs stacked in 6’s in the coffee lounge. All other chairs are to be stacked in 10’s and returned to the back storage room
  • White plastic tables must be cleaned and returned to the coffee lounge
  • All other tables must be stacked and stored in the storage room in a size order.
  • If the carpet, flooring, fixtures and fittings are damaged during hire the Booking Secretary MUST BE informed.  If repairs exceed the deposit paid, further payment will be required, from the hirer, to cover the total cost.  The Hall will be checked after hire.
  • All breakages MUST be reported to the Booking Secretary.  A charge will be made for their replacement.
  • All faults e.g. light bulbs should be reported to the Booking Secretary.


  • Hirers must ensure that the oven and burners are turned off, and that the cooker is cleaned.
  • The kitchen should be checked to ensure that all taps and electrical equipment are switched off.
  • Kitchen surfaces should also be wiped clean.

 Health and Hygiene

  •  The Hirer shall, if preparing, serving or selling Food, observe all relevant Food Health and Hygiene Legislation and Regulations.

Doors, Windows and Lights

  • Hirers must ensure that all lights are turned off before leaving.
  • Light switches are located behind the internal Main Hall door.
  • All FIRE EXIT DOORS must be kept clear at ALL times.
  • Entrance doors must remain closed during a function to retain heat and noise, and designated Fire Doors should be kept closed.
  • Hirers must be certain that all windows and doors are securely shut and locked before either locking up or returning the keys.

No Alterations

  • No alterations or additions may be made to the premises nor may any fixtures be installed or placards, decorations or other articles be attached in any way to any part of the premises without the prior written approval of the Hall Bookings Secretary . Any alteration, fixture or fitting or attachment so approved shall at the discretion of the King George’s Hall Trustees remain in the premises at the end of the hiring and become the property of the King George’s Hall or be removed by the Hirer who must make good to the satisfaction of the Committee any damage caused to the premises by such removal


  • No items whatsoever are to be left in the building, except with permission of the King George’s Hall Trustees. The King George’s Hall Trustees retain the right to make a charge for agreed storage.
  • Any item left on the premises will be disposed of by the King George’s Hall Trustees two days after the booking.
  • Items of food and drink must not be kept in the store cupboards.
  • The King George’s Hall Trustees will not accept any responsibility for items left in the King George’s Hall.


  • Any accidents which may occur whilst the hall is in use, MUST be logged by completing an Accident Form in the folder in the kitchen.  Please ensure you draw notice to this completed form when returning the keys as it is  CONFIDENTIAL information.

Electrical Appliances/Bouncy Castles, etc

  • The King George’s Hall Trustees DO NOT  take responsibility or provide insurance cover for any electrical appliances, bouncy castles, equipment etc. that are brought in by hirer’s.  Hirer’s must obtain their own insurance cover.


  • Smoking is prohibited in the Hall
  • Use the ash trays available on the outside of the building.
  • Hirers must sweep up cigarette ends discarded outside on the ground in the gardens.


  • King George’s Hall Trustees DO NOT accept liability for any damage caused to vehicles outside the hall, cars are parked at the owner’s risk.

Equal Opportunities

  • The King George’s Hall Trustees operates an ‘Equal Opportunities’ Policy.  This aims to promote equal opportunities for all residents, irrespective of race, nationality, ethnicity, religious belief, gender, disability, age or sexual orientation.


  • The Hirer shall ensure that no animals (including birds) except guide dogs are brought into the premises, other than for a special event agreed to by the King George’s Hall Trustees. No animals whatsoever are to enter the Kitchen at any time.

The Right to Enter

  • Any Village Hall Management Committee Member has the right to enter the Hall at any time other than during events falling under the provisions of the Children Act 1989.


  • The King George’s Trustees reserves the right to cancel any hiring by written notice to the Hirer in the event of:
  • (a)  The premises being required for use as a Polling Station for a Parliamentary or Local Government election or bye-election
  • (b) The King George’s Hall Trustees reasonably consider that (1) such hiring might lead to a breach of licensing conditions, if applicable, or other legal or statutory requirements, or (2) unlawful or unsuitable activities will take place at the premises as a result of this hiring.
  • (c) The premises becoming unfit for the use intended by the Hirer.

No Rights

  • The Agreement to Hire constitutes permission only to use the premises and confers no tenancy or other right of occupation on the Hirer.
  • FIRE SAFETY CONDITIONSThe person hiring the Hall is responsible for Fire Safety while in the Hall. 
  • The King George’s Hall is a Non-Smoking Building
  • Check list for Hirers:
  • Before admission of the public ensure that;
  1. All exit doors are unlocked and the push-bar mechanism is tested and in good working order.
  2. ESCAPE ROUTES ARE FREE from obstruction and available for use.
  3. Any fire doors are CLOSED and NOT wedged or propped open.
  4. All Fire fighting equipment IS in place and unobstructed. (Extinguishers must not be removed from walls and used as door stops.
  5. Exit signs are illuminate.
  6. There is no obvious fire hazard in, or near the building.

At start of function

  1. Make group/audience aware of position of Fire Exits.

At end of function

  1. Search for signs of fire
  2. Check heaters and cookers and turned off.
  3. Check ALL electrical appliances are turned OFF or unplugged.
  4. Turn off all lights.
  5. Close internal doors
  6. Secure all external doors and windows.

King George’s Hall is in constant use by many people. 

King George’s Hall Trustees requests observance of the ‘Conditions of Hire’ by all Hirers to ensure the smooth running and proper use of the facilities to the advantage of all.

Thank you

King George’s Hall Trustees

Janury 1st 2025




Hiring the Hall

We would suggest that you allow one hour setting up before your event, and one hour for clearing away/cleaning at the end of your event. When completing your booking form, please ensure this time is included.

If you wish to hire the bar, provided by King George’s Hall Trustees, then your Bar Hire form and payment must be returned with your King George’s  Hall booking form.   Use of the bar is charged

Private hire charges are on application (as of 1st January 2025):

Occasional hire           Main Hall/Kitchen 8.00 am – 11.00 pm
Regular hire (weekly) Main Hall/Kitchen  8.00 am – 11.00 pm
Regular hire (Evening monthly)  Main Hall  6.00 pm – 11.00 pm
Regular hire (weekly)  Coffee Lounge 8.00 am – 11.00 pm
Occasional hire Coffee Lounge 8.00 am – 11.00 pm
Children’s parties Main Hall and Kitchen only (4 hour session incl set up clearing away)

A deposit is required with your completed booking form. Details as follows

Children’s Parties and Meetings
Any other Parties, Celebrations and Christenings

*This will only be refunded if the hall is left in accordance with all terms & conditions (a copy of which will be provided to you when booking). 

Cancellations within three weeks of the event will result in the deposit being forfeited



King George’s Hall – The Agreement to Hire

I, (full name)………………………………………………………………………………………………………

of (full address including Postcode)……………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………. wish to hire the Coffee Lounge/Main Hall and Kitchen/ Both rooms and Kitchen (strike out rooms not included in the Hire) King George’s Hall, Chapel Lane, Mickleton, Gloucestershire GL55 6TX for private hire on the  Date from……………. until  (inclusive)…………………..Month………………………Year………..

The Fee of hiring the hall on the date(s) will be £……………….which will allow the hall to be used for ………………………………………………………………………………….………….(Description of Event )

between the hours of AM / PM………….. to……………..AM / PM

(It is a requirement of the hire that all music will end by 11:30pm and the function will end by 12 .00 midnight

In addition to the above fee a Deposit of £………….. will also required to be paid in accordance to the Terms and Conditions of Hire to secure the booking.

A verbal booking (subject to availability) will only be confirmed on receipt of the following:-

  • Payment of the Deposit as agreed above.
  • This copy of The Agreement to Hire King George’s Hall being signed and returned by the Hirer.
  • A stamped addressed envelope (allowing for the return of the Deposit)
  • Full payment of the hire charge at least 7 days before the date of hire

Upon completion of all the above the King George’s Hall Trustees will release the key to the premises.

As Witness the hands of the parties hereto:

Signed by the authorised representative (The Hall Booking Officer) on behalf of the King George’s Hall Trustees.                                    Date: ________________________

Signed: ____________________________          Print Name: ______________________________________

Signed by the Hirer (I have read a copy of the “Terms and Conditions of Hire” and I agree to abide by them)

Date: ________________ Signed: _______________________Print Name: ___________________________

ContactTelephone Number(s) _______________________________________________________________

Name of Organisation or Society (if applicable)_________________________________________________

Private Insurance: –   I WILL  /  I Will Not  be taking out adequate private insurance to cover myself as the Hirer in respect of damage or loss of property or injury to persons arising from the above booking.

Date: ________________ Signed: _______________________Print Name: